Tuesday 9 September 2014

If someone asks me of my first love it would always be you..

If pain demands to be felt..i think i had enough!
if tears are left to flow..by now even a flood can be risen up,
I don't want you to love me back..but i loved you so much for us to now get detached.
This friendship of our's would always bloom..but this heart here would never get rid of this gloom.
Days from now when u would be enjoying all success and fame..every tear i shed would still have ur name,
this wouldn't end..the pain I feel i did foresee...but still waited hoping that someday you too would see,
this love that i held deep within my heart..which the world could see but you could not!
were you so blind or you never cared to bother?...coz you were the only one who never found me odder.
i thought u did know me well...but then i guess this was too much for you to tell..,
for you were in love with someone & i was with u..& love is blind i know..you don't even see the world beside you..,
I would wish for your happiness wherever or with whomever you be..but i still want to tell you that i love you..always was yours & always will be..,
I can't ever let this out though..i'm so fond of you to hurt you..,you'll always be my dearest friend and i hope i too always would be one to you too...,
Ages from now when i see that once in a blue moon shooting star,i would still wish for you...coz even then if someone asks me of my first love..it would always..always be u.

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