Thursday 10 November 2022

I'll be there...Always & Forever

They say forever is a lie.

I disagree, for I have always hoped to find one.

I have tried, time & again.

But alas, promises fade & nothing truly ever stays.

Yet I didn't lose hope.

I’ve paced & chased & raced through time to change the times.

When I couldn’t find one, I tried being there as one.

Got hurt, ghosted, and felt like it was a waste of time.

But here we are where I find myself saying to you again, “I'll be there...Always and Forever.”

They say friendships are temporary.

I wonder how then some claim to be a family?

Well those claims do go false, those are the same bonds that hurt you like no one else does.

So much that you give up on the feeling itself.

Every attachment scares you, every past memory derails you.

But somehow like a miracle you find this person again, 

Who knows your demons, who knows you’re a mess, yet smile widely at you & say, “I’ll be there for you…Always and Forever.”

They say nothing remains a constant.

When has that ever stopped us from hoping everything will?

That we are different & it will be different for us. 

From building fantasies over romanticised theories of illusions.

Somewhere always knowing in the back of our heads, 

that reality might have a different story to tell.

We still find ourselves on this roller-coaster of emotions making promises, 

As we tell each other, “I’ll be there for you…Always and Forever”

They say what they have been told or they believe in.

We say what we want to believe in.

And time will say what it has to, which neither them or we know.

Rational or ideal, the idea still & will always remain vague.

I know we might not, but I hope the memories do stay.

Every time we met.

Every moment that led to it.

Every laugh, tears & smile.

Every hug where I didn’t let time go by.

I know we will not, but I hope it all remains etched in time.

Every instant where we looked at each other & our hearts have wished, 

“I’ll be there for you…Always and Forever.”

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